Category Archives: Creative Corner

My thoughts and experiences, as expressed through poetry, stories, paintings, and freestyle writing.

Fire Dance

fire dance 2
Beautiful, vibrant, and full of warmth
Dances freely along with the wind

But isn’t ironic, that one of the most beautiful of all creations…
Is made to be ultimately untouchable?

Sometimes, I think of you as the flame.

I always loved water: its serenity, calmness, along with its powerful soars. But recently, I’ve noticed just how breathtakingly beautiful fire can be. And so, I did a series of photography experimentation playing with flames, shadow, and movement.

Continue reading Fire Dance


I never liked the way the grey sky looks
But it’s in the storm I found
A strength greater than the world
That lifted me up ever so gently,
And taught me what it is to be still.

I never wished for fire
But it’s in that desperation I felt
A hope that is unlike any other
That enveloped me in warmth,
And led me to the path of courage.

I never wanted to be tossed by the waves
But it’s in the seconds before I drowned
That I realized I was anchored
Protected in an unshakable grip,
And knew what it is to be saved.

Continue reading Tempest

Just Don’t.

I know I’m climbing the edge of a cliff to find my quiet place
I know, I’m looking.
But please don’t say that I’ll fall…
You’ll make me believe that I will.

I know I’m swimming against the currents to escape the waters
I know, I’m fighting.
But please don’t say that the waves are stronger…
You’ll make me believe that I’ll drown.

I know that I’m navigating through the woods by trusting my guts
I know, I’m searching.
But please don’t say that I’m aimless…
You’ll make me believe that I’m lost.

Continue reading Just Don’t.

The Little Light

Isn’t it funny?
That it’s so far away
And yet you somehow believe it would be true.

Isn’t it bittersweet?
It tears you inside but you can’t help but to hold on to it
Because it’s the only thing you can have.

Isn’t it damning?
The crowd jeers and laughs, but you can’t back down
Because that’s where you put your best foot forward.
Continue reading The Little Light

The Waters


Sometimes, I saw myself being swept away in the middle of the waters. But then I realized that in those moments… I was the waters.

Sometimes, I felt overwhelmed by all the problems that needed fixing. But maybe it was my mindset that needed to be changed all along.

Sometimes, people seemed so thoughtless and unreasonable.
But maybe it was me who closed my ears and pretended not to understand. Continue reading The Waters

The long train ride, to some place we’ll call Home

I found myself sitting in an empty train
Through a serendipity wandering
Windows up, no clouds in the sky
Startling journey; breathless, exciting
But wait, where is this going?
It’s too sudden, too new
I wasn’t even sure if I want to be here…
But you smiled and sat right next to me
And the train began to move.

Continue reading The long train ride, to some place we’ll call Home



For many years, I wanted to be like the pretty flowers living in a bright glasshouse. Dainty, comfortable, and always being cared for.

But perhaps, to be able to truly understand the raw beauty of nature and the gift within it… you have to be like the wildflowers that grow on an unassuming path, and stand strong in colors, despite of the wind in all kinds of weather.

Continue reading Wildflowers